IDS Nitra, May 2022
5.-8.5.2022 IDS Nitra CLOUDY Jankina zahrada - 2 x CAJC, 2x BOB. Thank to Nikol Pisonová for handling and judges for judging him on first show.
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03.04.2022 Spring duo Nitra FCI CACIB judge: L. Fintorová/SK CARKA Jankina záhrada - CAJC, BOB, Slovakia Junior Winner Benton CALIFORNIA STORM - CAC, CACIB, Slovakia Winner
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01.04.2022 Nitra VICTORY DOG SHOW Judge: L. Fintorová/SK Benton CALIFORNIA STORM "Carolinka" - CAC, VICTORY WINNER
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19.3.2022 Jubileum Special Club Show KCHPS Judge: Mauro Mostura /IT BENTON California Storm - CAC, CC, BOB, Club winner CASSEY Jankina zahrada - CAJC, CC, Club winner junior Best honour class BOBA Jankina zahrada - 3rd place Best working dog BAJA...
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